Welcome to a bicycle traveller's page !
Hi there!
This is the page of a guy who loves travelling.
Been in Maun, Botswana, Africa for about seven years by now! Got kinda
"stuck" here during my African travels in 2000. Have to admit, though,
the "itchy feet" are still there.. :-)
Was born and brought up in the northwest of Germany, a region called "Münsterland".
Because it's one of the most
beautiful regions for cycling in Germany I spent most of my youth on a bicycle
already. Which eventually let me "grow" into a so-called
"long distance cyclist".
Quit my job at the beginning of '95. And have been
travelling & experiencing, with only a few breaks, the globe since. But it's not only cycling. If it's somewhat unique, I love to
ride trains and do
some hiking as well.
On tour since '86; Some of the places I've travelled:
I prefer extremely vast, lonely and deserted places; and fell deep in love with
mountains and deserts. They are by far the most interesting to me.
'92 Scandinavia / North Cape (bike), 6 we
'93 Transsiberian Rwy. (train), 3 we
'93 Hermannsweg (hiking), 2 we
'94 Australia: Tracks to Alice (bike), 2 mo
'95 Australia: Outback & Cape York,
... Russia (bike), 6 mo
'96 USA-Mexico-USA-Canada (bike), 10 mo
'97 South West Way (hiking), 3 we
'97 Canada (bike), 2 mo
'98 One time around Europe (bike), 8 mo
'00/ '03 On tour in southern Africa...
... Namib, Kalahari & Karoo
If you've got questions regarding the trips, or have been cycling lonely
places yourself - I'm always interested in new ideas! - drop me a mail!
I'll be particularly grateful for mails from other bicycle traveller!!
This is my address:
Long distances with no supplies available en route ..
There are routes where you can't get water and/or food for 200 km and more. I'm sure
everyone agrees that cycling such routes - especially if tracks - need some special preparation and experience beforehand.
The equipment - what to take onto the long mile
Once you got your essential list together you'll always come back to it. No matter if you intend to take off for
3 month, 8 month or 5 years. It will only take a few "adjustments" and you're all prepared for your next destination.
UPDATE 2007: Keep
getting mails about the selfmade Frontrack / Lowrider system. So decided to
upload a drawing and some pictures of it.
Route planning - for long-term bicycle journeys
An overview of the different stages of route planning for long-term travels by bicycle. Beginning with the first 'idea' up to the finally taken route.
for touring cyclists